Onam Celebration Names | Let’s Name Our Onam Celebration

Onam Celebration NamesOnam Celebration Names

Onam Celebration Names: Onam, the vibrant and cherished festival of Kerala, South India, is a reflection of the state’s rich cultural heritage. With a history that spans centuries, this celebration has a deep significance for the people of Kerala. Let’s dive into the colorful world of Onam and explore the various aspects of its celebration.

The Legends of Onam

King Mahabali: The Benevolent Demon King

The legend of Onam revolves around the benevolent king Mahabali, who ruled over Kerala during a golden age of prosperity and harmony. His reign was marked by the absence of poverty, crime, and even death.

The Vamana Avatar

Vamana, one of Lord Vishnu’s avatars, took on the form of a Brahmin dwarf and approached Mahabali for three paces of land. As Mahabali agreed to fulfill this wish, Vamana grew into a giant and covered the earth, heavens, and underworld in just three steps. Mahabali’s humility touched Vamana, leading him to grant Mahabali a boon to visit his kingdom once a year. Onam Celebration Names.

The Ten-Day Extravaganza

Atham: The First Day

The festival begins with Atham, the first day of the ten-day celebration. The people of Kerala create intricate flower carpets known as “Pookalams” in front of their homes.

Vallamkali: The Snake Boat Race

One of the most awaited events is the Vallamkali, where beautifully adorned snake boats race through the tranquil backwaters of Kerala. This exhilarating spectacle attracts participants and spectators alike.

Pookalams and Pulikali

Throughout the ten days, the Pookalams continue to grow in size and complexity. Another intriguing tradition is Pulikali, a folk art form where performers paint themselves as tigers and hunters.

Onam Sadya: The Grand Feast

A Gastronomic Delight

No Onam celebration is complete without the grand feast, known as Onam Sadya. This vegetarian feast consists of an array of dishes served on a banana leaf, showcasing the culinary diversity of Kerala.

Puli Kali: The Playful Dance of Colors

Puli Kali, or the “play of the tigers,” is a unique dance form performed by artists painted as tigers and hunters. This lively performance adds a burst of color and energy to the festivities.

The Onakkodi Tradition

New Attire and Joy

The tradition of wearing new clothes, known as “Onakkodi,” symbolizes a fresh start and the spirit of togetherness. People of all ages don traditional attire to celebrate the occasion.


Onam Celebration Names: Onam is more than just a festival; it’s a journey into the heart of Kerala’s culture and traditions. With its legends, vibrant celebrations, and community spirit, Onam reminds us of the importance of unity and diversity. As we celebrate this extraordinary festival, let’s cherish the connections it creates and the joy it brings.

FAQs: Onam Celebration Names

  1. What is the significance of Onam?

    Onam celebrates the golden era of King Mahabali’s reign and the cultural diversity of Kerala.

  2. How do people prepare for Onam?

    People create intricate flower carpets, engage in snake boat races, and partake in the grand Onam Sadya feast.

  3. Why is Pulikali performed during Onam?

    Pulikali, or the tiger dance, adds a playful and colorful element to the celebrations, showcasing local artistry.

  4. What is the message of Onam?

    Onam conveys the values of unity, prosperity, and harmony among people, irrespective of their backgrounds.

  5. What role does mythology play in Onam?

    The legend of King Mahabali and Vamana’s avatar is a central narrative that reflects the festival’s deeper meanings.