When Is Nag Panchami Celebrated | Nag Panchami 2023 | How & Where To Celebrate

When Is Nag Panchami CelebratedWhen Is Nag Panchami Celebrated

When Is Nag Panchami Celebrated: Nag Panchami is an ancient Hindu festival that pays homage to snakes, which hold a significant place in Hindu mythology and culture. Celebrated with fervor and enthusiasm, Nag Panchami holds a special place in the hearts of devotees across India. This article delves into the details of when Nag Panchami is celebrated, its cultural and religious significance, and the customs associated with this unique festival.

Nag Panchami, also known as the Serpent Festival, is a traditional Hindu festival dedicated to worshipping snakes. These slithering creatures hold a dual symbolism in Hinduism, representing both danger and divine protection. The festival’s observance is marked by various rituals and customs that vary across regions.

The Origins of Nag Panchami

The origins of Nag Panchami can be traced back to ancient Hindu scriptures and legends. One popular legend is the story of a farmer who accidentally killed a snake, only to witness its grieving partner. Filled with remorse, the farmer initiated the worship of snakes, leading to the inception of Nag Panchami. When Is Nag Panchami Celebrated.

The Date of Celebration

Nag Panchami falls on the fifth day of the bright half of the lunar month of Shravana. This typically occurs in Mon, 21 Aug, 2023 depending on the Hindu calendar. The festival’s date varies from year to year due to the lunar calendar’s nature, making it an eagerly awaited event.

Nag Panchami across Different Regions

The celebration of Nag Panchami is widespread across India. While it is celebrated with immense enthusiasm in states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Karnataka, the ways of observance differ. In Maharashtra, it’s common to find images of cobras crafted from cow dung, symbolizing protection and worship.

The Significance of Nag Panchami

Nag Panchami holds both religious and cultural significance. Snakes are revered as symbols of fertility, protection, and cosmic energy in Hinduism. They are believed to have a close connection to Lord Shiva, making this festival an essential part of Shaivism.

Customs and Rituals

On Nag Panchami, devotees clean their homes and create intricate snake designs using rice paste. They offer milk, honey, and other traditional offerings to snake idols or images. Devotees also visit temples dedicated to snake deities to seek blessings and protection.

Worship and Offerings

Snake charmers play a role during Nag Panchami, showcasing their snakes as part of the festivities. However, there’s a growing awareness about the ethical treatment of snakes, prompting a shift towards discouraging the display of live snakes.

Legends and Stories

The festival is accompanied by stories and legends that highlight the importance of snakes in Hindu mythology. The tale of Lord Krishna subduing the venomous serpent Kaliya underscores the idea of triumph over evil.

Symbolism of Snakes in Hinduism

Snakes are revered as potent symbols in Hinduism. They represent rebirth, death, and transformation. The shedding of their skin signifies renewal and rejuvenation, serving as a metaphor for human life’s cyclical nature.

Nag Panchami and Environmental Awareness

In recent years, Nag Panchami has become a platform to raise awareness about snake conservation. As habitat loss threatens these creatures, many communities are now promoting the festival’s ecological importance.

Celebrations in Modern Times

In the modern context, Nag Panchami has evolved into a cultural celebration. It brings families and communities together, fostering a sense of unity and tradition. People often exchange sweets and gifts during this festival.

Preservation of Snakes

Efforts to protect snake populations have gained momentum, with various organizations promoting awareness and conservation. This movement aligns with the traditional reverence for these creatures.

Nag Panchami in Art and Literature

Nag Panchami’s influence extends beyond religious practices. It has found its way into various art forms and literary works, reflecting its deep-rooted cultural impact.


When Is Nag Panchami Celebrated: Nag Panchami, a festival venerating snakes, intertwines cultural heritage, religious devotion, and environmental awareness. Its celebration provides a unique insight into the rich tapestry of Hindu beliefs and practices while urging us to protect the natural world’s delicate balance.

FAQs: When Is Nag Panchami Celebrated

  1. Is Nag Panchami celebrated only in India?

    Nag Panchami is primarily celebrated in India, but variations of snake-related festivals can also be found in other cultures around the world.

  2. Can women participate in Nag Panchami rituals?

    Yes, women actively participate in Nag Panchami rituals and festivities. There are no gender-based restrictions.

  3. Are live snakes still used in Nag Panchami celebrations?

    While it used to be common, there’s a growing awareness against the use of live snakes due to ethical concerns and ecological considerations.

  4. Is Nag Panchami considered a public holiday?

    Nag Panchami is not a public holiday in most regions of India. However, it is widely observed, and schools and offices may have partial closures.

  5. How has the perception of snakes changed over time?

    In Hinduism, snakes have evolved from symbols of danger to representations of protection, cosmic energy, and rebirth, showcasing a shift in perception over the ages.